100% Natural

Sweet & Juicy

Dehydrated Mango

100% Natural

Sweet & Juicy

Dehydrated Mango

100% Natural

Sweet & Juicy

Dehydrated Mango

100% Natural

Sweet & Juicy

Dehydrated Mango

Welcome to Fika, where we bring the lush, tropical flavors of Thailand to your fingertips! Our brand is dedicated to crafting the finest dehydrated mangoes, harnessing the rich bounty of Thailand's sun-kissed orchards.

About Us

Whether you're snacking on-the-go, enhancing culinary creations, or seeking a healthy treat, our dehydrated mangoes offer a burst of tropical goodness in every bite.

  • Digestive Health:

    Dehydrated mangoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps prevent constipation. Fiber promotes healthy bowel movements and supports overall digestive health.

  • Vitamin Intake:

    Mangoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin, boosting the immune system, and supporting vision. Eating dehydrated mangoes can contribute to meeting your daily vitamin requirements.

  • Energy Levels:

    Being a natural source of sugars, dehydrated mangoes can provide a quick energy boost, making them a good choice for a midday snack or a pre-workout bite.

  • Antioxidant Support:

    Mangoes contain antioxidants like zeaxanthin, quercetin, and beta-carotene, which help fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body.

  • Hydration:

    Although dehydrated, these mangoes still contain some water content, contributing slightly to your hydration levels, although not as much as fresh fruit.

  • Mood and Well-being:

    The natural sugars and enjoyable taste of dehydrated mangoes can also contribute to an uplift in mood, providing a tasty treat that can boost feelings of well-being.
